Feb 06 Tue - Analysis Document Outline

Jeremy Davis’s notes from talking to Prof. Klein about the analysis document

Risk analysis

Risk of not getting project done on time and what can be done to mitigate that risk (include timeline for example) Risk of litigation, talk to Whitman legal counsel Personnel risks such as bad relationship with bookstore


Analysis of software tools to be used to accomplish project such as MySQL for database, html/css and Javascript and react for frontend, etc. Doxygen? All tools we will be using Make sure all the interfacing between languages is doable


python with flask microframework SQLALCHEMY Object-relational mapper for use with MYSQL databate Anything we have to buy? Domain name, server hardware? Time analysis, do we have enough time to complete everything?

Marketing Strategy

Catchier name? Survey of student to see if they would even be interested? Design of ui to make it salable


Software quality assurance analysis, such as what we do to make sure code is up to par, anticipating possible problems to mitigate them. Anticipating future sub-divisions of teams Different organization charts of sub-teams, more up to date for exactly what everyone is working on